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Collodion USP Rigid

Medical Application: Used to attach electrodes to the skin or scalp. Primarily, but not limited, for EEG monitoring (Epilepsy, Sleep Disorders, Ambulatory...). Especially useful when it is important to maintain a secure contact for monitoring. When applied correctly, collodion will hold even when the skin is hairy, perspiring, or oily. Clean surface to be bonded with LemonPrep®, PediapPrep™ or Pure Prep™ to remove the body oils and dead skin. Apply a thin layer of Collodion to the electrode or gauze. To facilitate cure, force clean cool air over the electrode with an air pump to aid solvent evaporation.

Astronomy Application: Collodion is used in the cleaning of optics such as telescope mirrors. The collodion is applied to the surface of the optic, usually in two or more layers. Sometimes a piece of thin cloth is applied between the layers, to hold the collodion together for easy removal. After the collodion dries and forms a solid sheet covering the optic, it is carefully peeled away taking contamination with it.

Wet Plate Photography: Search the internet for more Information

Special Effects:The easiest way to make scars and some burn effects is with Collodion.

Collodion USP

Collodion USP  Rigid

  • Medical Application: Used to attach electrodes to the skin or scalp. Primarily, but not limited, for EEG monitoring (Epilepsy, Sleep Disorders, Ambulatory...). Especially useful when it is important to maintain a secure contact for monitoring. When applied correctly, collodion will hold even when the skin is hairy, perspiring, or oily. Clean surface to be bonded with LemonPrep®, PediapPrep™ or Pure Prep™ to remove the body oils and dead skin. Apply a thin layer of Collodion to the electrode or gauze. To facilitate cure, force clean cool air over the electrode with an air pump to aid solvent evaporation.
  • Astronomy Application: Collodion is used in the cleaning of optics such as telescope mirrors. The collodion is applied to the surface of the optic, usually in two or more layers. Sometimes a piece of thin cloth is applied between the layers, to hold the collodion together for easy removal. After the collodion dries and forms a solid sheet covering the optic, it is carefully peeled away taking contamination with it.
  • Wet Plate Photography:  Search the internet for more Information
  • Special Effects:The easiest way to make scars and some burn effects is with Collodion.